Visitor, use this checklist to guide your decision-making in this unprecedented times. We have included links to templates and examples so you can get started right away. (Updated: 4/5/2020)
❏ Implement a multidisciplinary crisis management team (e.g. leaders from Sales, Planning, Operations, QA, Logistics, HR, Legal, Finance, Communications, external Advisors) and meet daily or in no longer than 72 hrs.
❏ Follow a plan and an agenda. Download plan and agenda example.
❏ Track action plans in a collaborative file such a Google sheet, One-Drive Microsoft Excel or web-based platforms like Asana. Download tracking tool example.
❏ Build a tool to model your P&L, and use an ABC approach to ease decision making on the following:
❏ Stay in constant communication with your customers, suppliers and service providers.
❏ Having your employees informed about the crisis in your company with transparency and targeted information to their immediate needs, will improve communication, reduce the level of uncertainty and will help you get the support that you need from them.
❏ Consider layoffs a last resource to keep employees committed and to improve your chances at forgiven loans offered by US SBA office.
❏ If possible, focus instead on salary reductions (at all levels), eliminating overtime, reducing benefits.
❏ Work to protect your most vulnerable employees (e.g. age over 50, chronic medical conditions, pregnant women) and define a separate process for them.
❏ Talk to your insurance and ensure your employees are covered.
❏ Avoid in-person meetings of more than 2-3 employees.
❏ Identify if any of your employees (from US or Expats) is stranded in the US or abroad. If they haven't traveled home prepare a plan for them to stay in place at least until end of April 2020.
❏ Track immigration status of your employees in the US and work in advance of normal timelines for renewals, updates, status changes, etc.
❏ Identify employees who have traveled in the last 14 days and define actions to contain any risk they may pose. Authorities are including domestic travel as risk. Limit traveling according to CDS’s recommendations.
❏ Have guidelines for employees on the following:
❏ Support a cause to further your corporate citizenship and communicate your advocacy to customers, employees, suppliers. Download example of letter.
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